This is a public diary and a public confession. Its the story of Mike Gibbons-Camp, a 30 year old legal aid attorney who on August 23, 2007 weighed in at 392.8 lbs. Thanks to the constant support of my wife, Liz, and a kick in the pants by a good friend who I hadn't talked to for a while, I finally decided that enough was enough. But instead of quietly suffering with my weight, I started my blog, "New Me?"

I did really well for 10 weeks, then it completely fell apart. I was in denial for a long time, thinking I was just slipping up a bit, making a mistake here or there. But the reality was that I had failed.

Since then i've tried just about everything I could to get back on the wagon. And i've done well for a week here, a week there, but nothing lasting. So I don't know what to tell a new reader to my blog, but "welcome, and wish me luck."

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

told you so

So in the past I've been inertia's bitch. Kind of makes sense, what with my size and what not. And this morning I had a relapse of that. But tonight I got off my butt and kept my word to myself. (Thanks Dee and Lisa for the inspiration).

It really does surprise me how much harder the increased incline makes the work on the treadmill. I got in a mile with 60% jogging, but the longest I could do in one stretch was .3 miles. And, let me say that just about killed me. I assume this happens to other people too... but when I am pushing myself extra hard, I sometimes get a ache in the right side of my stomach. I should say I used to, because frankly I haven't pushed myself that hard since highschool soccer practice, until tonight. It was almost pleasant in a weird way. I have never worked that hard just for my own benefit, always before it was because I had someone (soccer coaches to be exact) pushing me to go past my comfort zone. I like to think it means I'm doing everything that I can do.

Today was a odd day in that I stayed under on points, but feel as if I over indulged in food. Just everything I had was fairly low calorie. That happens a lot when I really go overboard on steamed veggies... since they have like no points (well, about one per serving). I end up feeling as full as I would have felt back in my binging days, but with only about a tenth of the calories, if that. As far as I know, such days aren't a problem, so long as I keep my taste for veggies and don't switch back to potato chips!

Liz made a really good treat for me the other day. I don't have the exact recipe, but its basically no sugar cheesecake flavor pudding mixed made up with condensed milk blended with canned pumpkin, with lots of extra cinnamon added for flavor and for fiber. And a whole cup is only 2 points. And I get to have dessert :)


Teale said...

I honestly don't know that there's any truth in it, but what my gym teachers used to tell me in high school when I'd get that same side pain/cramp, she said when you're exercising to breathe IN through your nose, and OUT through your mouth. Like I said, I haven't ever looked into this theory to see if it's valid, and I don't remember if I ever actually tried it, but thought I'd share.

Diana Swallow said...

Ken always tells me to breath in through my nose and out through my mouth...I don't know why but he trained a lot with his brother who was a professional athlete and his sister who is a trainer so I'm thinking he is on to something since Teale has heard this too.

So when is Liz going to to start a blog? She can start by posting the cheesecake yumminess recipe you mentioned :-)

Unknown said...

The pumpkin cheesecake pudding is just what you said actually:

1 small package sugar-free instant pudding mix (I used cheesecake flavour, but I think vanilla or chocolate would have been yummi too.)
1 can evaporated skimmed milk
1 small can pumpkin puree
spices to taste

mix it all up and you're done ;)

I could also see making it more creamy by using a large pudding mix package - you'd have to adjust the evaporated milk though.

As for feeling as full as you used to on bad days, while making good food choices, that's a big success! I'm so proud of you Mike!

Lisa Sargese said...

you are most kindly welcome and you're looking great!!