I've been working extra hard this week to try to build up a bit of a buffer before going off to Niagra. I've done pretty well. I'm down 3.4 on the week, taking me to 368.2, and 24.6 down over all. And I haven't used any flex points for the week (in fact, I've been hitting about five points down each day so far, so I think I have my appetite more or less under control.)
I'm leaving tonight at around 4, picking Liz up in Cbus at 5, having dinner with her there, then off to my parents, where we will be leaving at around six thirty tomorrow morning. Today I will be packing and making sure we don't leave any food out to spoil, that sort of thing. My friend Melissa has agreed to stop in to take care of the cats, which is a huge relief. Last time we went out of town for a week I had to put one cat into boarding with the vets and one with Liz's grandfather in Zanesville.
So my goal in Niagra is to do well enough that I don't gain back any more than that 3.4. Wish me luck. I will be taking my laptop, along with a cd containing a copy of my points spreadsheets, and I'm pretty sure I'll have internet in my room.
So if knowing is half the battle.... what are the challenges facing me this week? Well, I won't be at home where I have reduced sodium tuna, sugar free peanut butter, skim milk, and only whole wheat in any flour products. I'll be eating at restaurants, and who knows what ingredients they use! And my parents are of an age and social economic background that when they eat out... it is buffets only. Well, maybe not only, but at least 99% of the time. Only eating at buffets and having a mentality that you clean your plate was one of the several factors leading me to develop the horrible eating habits that have stuck with me all my life. Then there is my brother... a horrible influence on me when it comes to food. He is probably a little overweight, but definitely not obese, but he eats like a frat boy. Even more than I do at my worse moments. We'll stop at subway, he wants three footlong subs, that sort of thing.
And there's the absence of my treadmill. This week if I want to walk a mile... I have to do it in public. That'll be hard. I've always been afraid to exercise in public. I mean, admit it, if you see someone who's nearly 400 lbs huffing and puffing on a treadmill, your first reaction is "yeah right, who's he trying to fool." One of my goals in life is to reach a point where I'm not ashamed to go in and ask for a gym membership. I'm not there yet.
Anyway, I have lots to do today, so I better get back to it. Wish me luck, cross your fingers, pray, send me good vibes... whatever you're into, and hopefully i'll make it through the week without too much damage :)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
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1 comment:
3.4-- amazing. You can do mile/gym membership; people care less about stuff like that than you think they do.
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