This is a public diary and a public confession. Its the story of Mike Gibbons-Camp, a 30 year old legal aid attorney who on August 23, 2007 weighed in at 392.8 lbs. Thanks to the constant support of my wife, Liz, and a kick in the pants by a good friend who I hadn't talked to for a while, I finally decided that enough was enough. But instead of quietly suffering with my weight, I started my blog, "New Me?"

I did really well for 10 weeks, then it completely fell apart. I was in denial for a long time, thinking I was just slipping up a bit, making a mistake here or there. But the reality was that I had failed.

Since then i've tried just about everything I could to get back on the wagon. And i've done well for a week here, a week there, but nothing lasting. So I don't know what to tell a new reader to my blog, but "welcome, and wish me luck."

Thursday, August 30, 2007

And that's round one

So today is the first Fabulous in Fall progress report day.


Mood: Excited

Weight: 380.1

Change since challenge began: - 12.7

So I admit I am a little disappointed that I didn't actually break 380 this week. But, on the bright side, I know I won't be able to say I lost a dozen pounds in a single week ever again, so at least next week I can be sure of meeting one benchmark.

Got to go, the treadmill is waiting.

Begin Round 2!

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