The short version - since my last post I've [in no particular order and no implications should be read into the order that anything appears] ....
had two flat tires in my car (the second one while I still had the spare on, forcing me to have the car towed across town to the tire store), been away for my office's semi-annual retreat, had my 6th anniversary, found out that someone I care about has cancer, got drunk for the first time in at least a year, went to a play at the Z-ville Community Theater, finished preparing the garden bed, started reading a fairly exciting new novel, said goodbye to a coworker who left us for another office, gotten sick, learned a couple of excellent new recipes, tried to help console a friend who was going through a relationship issue, visited with my parents and my in-laws, had dinner at the restaurant my in-laws have just opened in my home town, and generally have been running myself ragged.
Some of these require stories, and we'll get to them when I have time to do them justice.
I won't post any details on the person with cancer, because its not my story to share... I will only say it isn't me or Liz. I only mention it at all because the news itself has had a substantial impact on my mental state this weekend. I haven't really processed exactly how this news has or will continue to impact me, and am wholly unprepared to even attempt to put it into words at this stage. I guess I'm still somewhat in shock over the whole thing.
For now, I'm here, I survived my weekend, and I'm still on plan. I haven't done a very good job of recording (bad), but I think I've stayed under on points all but one day. The dozen or so drinks I had Friday clearly count as the worst thing I had to "eat" for the weekend, though the blizzard I split (different day) with a coworker is a close second. Beyond those two things I am proud of how closely I followed my plan and how well I chose foods.
One thing I had that was new to me and I will definitely try to replicate was a squash and zucchini salad. It was basically slices of raw (very young) yellow squash and zucchini with red onions, tomato wedges, and apple slices with a sweet, lemony, and herb-y vinaigrette. Think pasta salad only replacing the pasta with squash and zucchini, making it lower calorie and higher protein. And very tasty too.
Monday evening I tried my hand at homemade fajitas, which were quite tasty. I'd never tried doing them at home... but they turned out a lot healthier than going out because 1) I controlled what went in them, and limited the oils (and only used good oils at that) and cut out the salt altogether. I also did not sit and have a basket of chips and salsa waiting for my meal to come to the table either.
The other thing I did this weekend was to come up with my new longer term goal. Programwide (aka office retreat) happens every six months. When I started this blog I only had about six weeks before Programwide, and therefore hadn't made much progress yet. Then I completely fell apart and went to the Spring programwide heavier than I was at the one last Fall. So this Fall my goal is to show up noticeably
So, I'll weigh in again tomorrow morning, and set my individual month goals accordingly.
Sometimes illness such as cancer in another person can really make you take a hard look at your life and spar you forward to do what you need to do.
I'm still cheering you on!
I can only imagine how you must be feeling to hear news like that about someone you care about. You are doing great all things considered, press on, you can do this :)
So I just started catching up on everyone's blogs, and your new title sparked my interest- I will read on, but if Liz is preggers, I'm totally emailing you.
So I just started catching up on everyone's blogs, and your new title sparked my interest- I will read on, but if Liz is preggers, I'm totally emailing you.
So I just started catching up on everyone's blogs, and your new title sparked my interest- I will read on, but if Liz is preggers, I'm totally emailing you.
When it comes to losing weight or kick addictions, it's a lifestyle change & you've to really want to do it in order to succeed.
Otherwise no program in the world can help you get your old life back. As your blog title suggested, you do care about not being to play with your child without grasping for air, live to see him grow up, go to college or start a family of his own.
Form a group, seek help or do whatever to help you stay on track to get your old self back again. Remember this has nothing to do with predispositions, just shear will power. Some of us have to work harder but it can be done.
Losing weight is just simple math-- take in less than what your body can use. Rock on...
Hi! I'm just stopping by to see how you've been doing lately. I hope all is well, and I hope you give us an update soon. :)
Hang in there. I fell off the wagon for a few months... and am just now getting back my mojo. I know you can do it, too!
Wow! What a week. Hang in there. As they say, this too shall pass...
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