I've tried in the past to make this blog too content specific, I think. By that I mean I've only posted news, comments, whatnot that were specifically related to my weight loss struggles. I'm going to try relaxing on that rule a bit, in part because I've had several moments of late when I wanted to write in a more general interest/thoughts sort of blog. So, I think I will be using this outlet for more of that as I go forward.
This has been an unusual winter for us in Southern Ohio. Twice in the past month it has been 60 degrees or more one day, and then snowing and in the mid twenties the next. This past weekend was one of those, with nearly t-shirt weather on Thursday and then a honest to god blizzard starting Friday and ending Saturday. Nobody I know was in any traffic accidents or the like, which is somewhat amazing to be honest. Liz decided to stay in Columbus for the weekend rather than risking the round trip (its about an hour and a half each way in good weather). And then today it was back up over 50 again. The rivers around here already were on the point of flooding last week, I am a bit worried about what will happen if all this snow melts too fast (especially if we get the rain they're predicting for tomorrow. Here in town we're safe enough (Chillicothe installed pretty impressive floodwalls after the last time the river flooded the town, umpteen years ago) but some of the areas just downriver from town already have swamps where their back yards used to be.
And we may be adopting yet another cat. I came home from work and found Liz with this very friendly little kitten (prob. 4 months old or so).

We've done everything we can think of to get the word out incase anyone is missing him, and canvased a block or so around our house. So if nobody shows up looking for him we will probably be adding him to our household in a few weeks. In the mean time we've set up a temporary shelter for him in our sunporch, and he seems to be pretty happy back there. Our older cat is going to have a rough year though... she didn't like it at all when we brought home a new kitten last time it happened, and this time she'll probably just be getting used to that change when our baby will be born. The weird thing is that he really looks like a younger version of our newer cat (Oscar), who we also took in as a stray when he was a kitten. It's entirely possible that he's a great-great nephew or something. He's gray where as Oscar is brown, but they have the same striping pattern, and vary similar faces. And some very similar personality traits as well (both are climbers rather than jumpers, that sort of thing.) Obviously we'll never know for sure that they're related, but it seems likely enough. They did both show up on our doorstep after all ... just a few years apart ;)
What a lovely kitty! We have three adopted cats and the youngest one is going in for her "big girl operation" today...
Glad things are going well on your side, Mike!
What a beautiful kitten and lucky to have found its way to your doorstep!
So good to see you post, maybe try for once a week just to keep us updated?
Hope all is well with you and your wife!
I know the feeling, my first post today in awhile too. nice cat!
What a beautiful cat. I just found your blog via John's site and I'll be back.
Your pictures look AMAZING! I love progress photos!
I don't think the weight loss blog has to be just about weight loss, when I read blogs I usually read a 5 to 6 at a time to kind of get a feel for the person and see if it's something I want to keep reading.
I'll be waiting for another post and more pictures, God I love pictures, looks like you are about due for another update as well!!
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